Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Finally... I got those old CD's that I've been wanting to order from this place but the shipping charges to Indonesia is like 4 times the good's price. So I don't really think it's worth it. Luckily "little boss" was travelling to US for about 2 weeks and kindly let me use his US address as my shipping address for delivery. Sooooo, here's what I got for 30 bucks:

- Jars of Clay: If I Left The Zoo
- Jars of Clay: Who We Are Instead
- Curtis Stigers: Curtis Stigers
- Church of Rhythm: Church of Rhythm

And these following cute items from 2 of my fave animes of all time:

Kyo Souma patch from the anime FRUITS BASKET

Shindou Shuichi & Kumagoro pins from the anime GRAVITATION.

Though I wish I could buy more, I'm happy enough with what I have now... There's still next time ;)


Pitshu said...

itu cd asli atau bajakan ?!

Trieze said...

Asli dong... tapi bekas he3x Kondisi CD mulus banget, kalo case-nya ada yang mulus ada yang nggak. Lumayan, ada yang harganya 00 cents aja! Ongkir ke US berkisar USD 3-6 per barang.