Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Magical Birthday

Aha! Another year just passed me by last week that made me feel so blessed (^__^). There were some unexpected sms and mails, but also expected sms that never came he3x This year's records: 31 local sms, 1 international sms, 1 e-mail, 3 phone calls, 3 birthday cakes, 1 purse, 1 Gundam Seed note book, 1 bathrobe, a pair of earrings, a book, 2 plushtoys and shopping vouchers. Great, isn't it? If you wonder why I get a bathrobe, I'm wondering myself. It's actually from my friend's children... The older one picked the bathrobe& the younger one picked the color & wrapping paper ha3x They're so cute, they even drew a flower in the card :)

And the winners would be the earrings, book & plushtoys, because it's so amazing how I got to get them. The night before I went to PS with my lil' cousin. We went around the mall and I was thinking to see something at Perlini's. But by the time we got to the stall it was already closed. Before that we went to the bookstore and I was actually holding this book and said to my Sarah: "You know, I really want to know what's inside this book after that article in Newsweek. Shall I buy this or not?" There's something inside that told me NOT to buy it though I really really want to. On the way home I was still thinking about that book.

The next day I sent my messenger to get some stuff from Channel, and what a surprise! I also got a that Perlini's earrings from her & Pon! A couple of hours later Gale sent a driver to my office to deliver my b'day presents. The moment I looked at the goodie bag, I laughed out loud in the lobby! Cause I got a very big Stitch pillow & a small one of him playing ukulele!! My God! Having Stitch plushtoys were one of my biggest obsession! I could never found a nice one in Jakarta before... And when pulled the Stitch from the bag, I saw a book and it was the same book that I almost buy the night before!! Don't you think it's amazing?? (^__^) It's a magic Birthday!


channel said...

ah apakah sms gua tmasuk yg 31 itu??
:D dan kenapakah kau tdk bikin LJ padahal uda gua suruh ngungsi?
dan kenapakah chat boxnya tak dipasang? :D pertanyaan gua banyak yah

pundoesu said...

wah hebat
my first visit here and suddenly this page identify me as pon???
gimana tuh caranya *udik*

tre, dah pindah ajah ke LJ...
g msh penasaran ama comment from our dear weird friend ttg LJ g itu