Thursday, October 29, 2015

Up Close & Personal

One night last week my Dad had a big smile when I got home and waved a card at me: "Look what I got! I got a birthday card from my Cardiologist! He didn't say anything when I had my therapy this morning but then this came by post!"

It wasn't his birthday yet (it is TODAY), so he was excited and all smiles. "Look, it even says 'Happy Birthday Grandfather'," he said, "But I'm not a grandfather yet!" a little complain LOL I knew why it was written that way, almost everyone outside the family call him 'Opung' or grandfather in Batak language because of his old age (no sh*t, Sherlock! He's 77 years old today!) and all the grey hair covering his head.

He hasn't finished praising his Cardiologist, "I'm so touched that he even knows my birthday." -- well, it's written in your medical records definitely. "He even came to your brother's wedding with his wife." -- this, I was also surprised. "And he gave me a copy of Our Daily Bread with my name written on it last Christmas." -- this also touched me, so personal.

His encounter with dr. Raymond Suwita SpJP from Klinik CDG started in April last year, 2014. From the beginning of the 2014 my Dad's health was declining fast. He refused stents insertion, started getting problems in his brain due to lack of oxygen caused by slow blood flow through his heart, and he blacked out in February while talking to my brother. Got him 5 stitches in the head and a few days at the hospital. After he got out, he couldn't do much. The medications made him sleepy all the time, too tired to do anything, swollen legs. He got even more stressed out when his brother passed away early April.

At my Uncle's funeral I met someone who was surprised to see my Dad's condition considering he used to be very active. After listening to my story, she told me that she used to have the same problem but she found this place and had been getting therapy there for a couple of months and her heart function increased significantly -- no stent no surgery. She gave me the address, the doctor's name and told me to register him as soon as possible. We got his first appointment when I had to travel, so my brother took him there.

The clinic is using some uncommon methods in Indonesia for treatments. After almost day-long consultation (including blood test, EKG, CT Scan, etc) it was decided that for the first package my Dad would need 3 times of ILIB or Intravascular Laser Irradiation of Blood therapy (in between EECP) and 36 times of EECP or Enhanced External Counter Pulsation therapy (3 times a week). My Dad & my Brother were impressed by dr. Raymond on this first consultation. My Brother said: "He's very thorough in examining each test's result, very patient, gentle and didn't mind to answer all our questions."

The therapies were not cheap. But considering the recommendation, I was willing to try. He began the next day after the consultation. I was told that dr. Raymond kept checking on him and waited on him until the therapy finished. At one point, my Dad fell asleep in during an EECP session but dr. Raymond told my brother and the nurse to just let him sleep until he woke up by himself. If he slept that soundly, that meant he needed it. The whole package finished in about 3 months. By this time, my Dad no longer had swollen feet, he could do a little gardening again and taking care of his little pond. He improved significantly.

After that he was maintained with 2 sessions of EECP weekly and since a few months ago he only needed 1 session. He has to continue the EECP for as long as he lives and still has to take lots of medicines daily (but even with stents people still have to take medicines, so I'm okay with this). His medications are divided for his heart condition and his brain. dr. Raymond said that they couldn't fix it, the meds and vitamins are to slow down the deterioration.Since the therapies were expensive we asked him if could prescribed us with less expensive medication. With some, he could, but mostly not especially for the brain meds. Well, we all know the actual quality of Indonesian generic meds anyway; wouldn't want to risk it. But at least he tried, and we appreciated it. My Dad is now living happily, (almost) normally (no denying of old age too here) and travels almost monthly.

During those first 3 months of therapies, my brother told me that dr. Raymond remembered the name of all his patients and the patients' regular caretakers. He called my brother by name instead of the just 'the son'. Before he left the clinic, he would check if there were patients still underwent therapies and would waited on them even when his practice hour was over. And he did that every single day. This was the first time I found a doctor who treated his patients in a very personal way. God bless him! I want to thank him for the 19 months that my Dad had been under his care and for listening to our worries, answering our questions and for every special little thing he had done. May he stays strong in faith and uses his talents to help more people.

Now, HAPPY 77th BIRTHDAY DAD! Please accept the reality that yes, you're getting old ROFL We love you and wish you can be with us for many more years. Keep doing what you love to do and a blessings wherever you go.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Thanks Lazada & Maybelline!

After my last post, I sent an email to Lazada reporting that their merchant was selling fake cosmetics. Then I also emailed Maybelline Indonesia just to inform them of my case so they are aware their fake products distributed online. I didn't expect any reply or anything, just so they know.

September 15, I suddenly received an email from Maybelline Indonesia (MI). They requested for pictures and info on price. I replied and gave them the link of my post.

September 17, received another email from MI telling me that they have cooperated with Lazada on this matter. To make sure the originality of their products sold at Lazada. I checked Lazada and didn't see the merchant that sold me the fake cosmetics anymore. That was good. Even though Lazada didn't reply to my email, I was still glad that they make an action.

September 17 at night, I received an email from Lazada that they are sending 2 original Maybelline mascara as per my last order as replacement for the fake ones.

September 21, I finally received my mascaras, hooray!!

Lazada's Customer Service also called me and apologized to me for experiencing something unpleasant while shopping with them.

More than for the replacements, I'm happier that Lazada & Maybelline actually did something to ensure that no more people have the same experience like I did. They responded to my email, kicked out the merchant, and eventually sent me  what I ordered. This, is what's called customer satisfaction.

So, thanks Lazada and Maybelline! Keep up the good work and wishing you a more successful business in the future.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Beware of Fake Cosmetics Online

I never had problem ordering Korean cosmetics through this site. As I have mentioned in previous post, I prefer to buy those online for the price since it's quite similar with the originals compared to Indonesian prices.

2 weeks ago I ran out of my Maybelline Mascara. Too lazy to go to the mall to purchase one (and kept forgetting to get one when I went to the mall), I decided to buy through a local online store, Lazada. I never had a problem with this market place before. I pre-ordered my Samsung Galaxy S5 here, I purchased the office's fridge, microwave, vacuum cleaner and many more here. Everything was fine, everything arrived in perfect condition. Until I decided to order my mascara here. I was greedy, there were 2 sellers but I chose the cheaper one (pretty much 50% off the original price in the stores).

The moment I opened my package I knew something was off. A lot of things were off, actually. First off, the packaging looked cheap and the print was smudged. When turned the cap, the inside part got loose and I got sticky ink-like liquid smeared my fingers from the brush like mozzarella cheese. At lunch time, I went to a pharmacy downstairs to buy lozenges and was surprised to see the same mascara on sale when I was never sold there before. So I purchased one (again) and compared it the one I purchased online just to satisfy my curiosity that I was indeed got deceived and received a fake mascara. You can click on the picture to see it in bigger size. Left is the original, Right is the (suspected) fake.

First: The Color of the Printing.

The color is already different. And this is only the front part.

The printing is available on both sides and voila, the fake one has different wordings on the the other side! If you pay attention, the original also has the production date, code and etc printed on the plastic with black ink while the fake one doesn't have it.

Second: Another difference in printing.

See the difference on the description that it contains collagen? Which one is more convincing to you?

Third: The brush and the liquid.

This is the difference that really set me off. Not only that the brush is different, if you enlarge the picture you'll see that the fake one on the right has a very sticky liquid on the brushes!

It took me less than 5 minutes to actually  convinced myself that yes, I was deceived.

Lesson learned. Next time, I'll make sure to get my as off my seat to actually go to a real store to purchase this. And maybe other affordable cosmetics.

Monday, June 29, 2015

We're connected... NOT!

When someone asked me: "Are you dependent on your mobile and SNS?", it's really hard for me to reply confidently "No." Cause to be honest, I might be dependent on it in one way or another. Outside my will.

If I could, I'd like to spend a day without data connection. Just phone calls and text message (SMS). And I'd love not to take a look at my Instagram, or Facebook, or Twitter. But high chance that I'd miss something very important. We are all so well connected but not really. Or not at all.

I still keep my Facebook active because I have so many friends from all over the world, it's really nice to be able to see how the others are doing and exchanging messages, pictures and encouraging messages once in a while. To also share how are we doing to others as well. Though lately I was forced to un-friend those whose posts were not so encouraging or made me want to punch them in the face. Good thing that FB now also has unfollowing menu so I don't have to see their posts in my timeline but I could still be in contact if needed.

There were times when I didn't check on my FB regularly. Results? I missed a friend giving birth, I didn't know when someone passed away, and I missed an event with an FB event invitation. I mean, we were chatting just a few days ago and they didn't bother to send me a message that someone passed away just because "Oh, I posted it in FB. You didn't see?" >_<

My cousin created my twitter account for me in my phone while I wasn't watching. I asked her why. She said so she could be in touch me. I was like: "But we can always send messages or chat through our mobiles?" She laughed and said everyone has it now. OK, fine. I don't regret it now, I have more followers than following anyway. And without having to turn on the TV I can still find out what's happening around the world by following some big news station. Still, I don't get people who complains just about everything in a few posts all the time. Which ended up with my unfollowing of course.

Instagram? This is one SNS that I kept trying to avoid so much until last year. I mean, I already posts my pictures in FB why would I need an account to post pictures only? But then when I ask a friend that I want to see her daughter's picture and why she posts one in FB, I got this as a reply: "Oh, I posted her pictures in Instagram. You can follow me there." That is one. Then I want to order some cakes that my friend bought, I asked her where can I order since the cakery didn't have a store. Again, "They only have instagram. Here, you can follow this." I was so frustrated that I finally created an account and just like everyone else, I posted some useless stuff like my Stitch collection and food that I ate... just because :p 

 my screen :)

People are getting impersonal. We think that we're connected enough through SNS but not really. You think you know how someone's doing by reading their status or looking at the pictures they posted, but not really. Those are the reasons why I prefer to send messages through text / chat application if I have their mobile numbers; whether it's wishing a happy birthday or convey my condolences. Many times, I received more than just a thanks. I really got to find out how they were doing and sometimes not as good as they seemed to be in SNS.

And how about chat apps? This also frustrates me much!! When there was only SMS, people tend to write short messages, trying to include as many info as possible in 1 message. In chat rooms? It goes like this:

   How are you?
         Oh yeah
            I forgot
               She called 

One word one line. People, it's damn annoying.

And then I got tired of sending sms back and forth to a cousin. I asked him if he has any chat apps installed? He said yeah, he got LINE. I sent him a long message through LINE and he only read it like 5 hours later and replied with "Sorry, I don't use it much and hardly read it." So why the heck did you tell me to send you messages there??!?!?!

I have 3 chat apps in my phone: Whatsapp (basically to connect with almost everyone, business included), Kakao Talk (to connect with my Korean friends) and LINE (to connect with some Japanese & Indonesian friends -- who just like the cute stickers, tbh LOL). Then another cousin added me in all chat apps. One day she messaged me through Whatsapp, another day through LINE and many times when I tried to message her I had no idea where to send cause sometimes she uses one chat app and the other tomorrow. I just had to send to all 3 and see where she replied from. What's even funnier, we used to connect through Blackberry Messenger (BBM), but last year I kinda threw my BB out the car window accidentally and broke the LCD. So I switched to android and now both my mobiles are androids. No more BB.

Some people I know were still using Blackberry only so I had no choice then but to install BBM app in my android. But then that cousin-who-added-me-in-all-chatapps asked me to add her in my BBM. And she's using android. I was like: "Why do you need me to add you there? You're using android and so do I. You added me in all 3 chat apps." She laughed and said "Oh, just because. So I have you in all apps." Didn't. Make. Sense. To. Me. At. All.

I also feel sad that in the rare moments that I get to see my friends in one table, everyone just can't seem to not checking their mobiles instead of sitting and looking at me in the eye while conversing. I feel neglected. Oh yes, I also put my mobiles on the table and check the messages that come in once in a while. If it needs to be replied right away, I would. But most of the times, I ignore the unimportant messages and reply when I got home. I hardly check my SNS unless I need to show something that I saw or read in there to the other party in the table.

I really wish that next time I see my friends and family, we all can set aside our mobiles and really talk. We will laugh together from a funny story we tell each other, we will cry together over each other's heartbreak, and I will be able to see you in the eye and see that I matter to you, that you really care. That's when we're really connected.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Count On You

So tonight I tried to make Kimbab. And failed miserably.

First try: Too much rice, too much filling, find it hard to roll perfectly and the fillings leaked out of the rolls.

Dad came to the kitchen and looked at my sad-looking-failed of a kimbab roll.

Dad: "What is that?"

Me: "Supposed to be Kimbab. But I failed."

Dad: "Oh, but I came because it smells nice."

*in my head* Sesame oil makes everythi g smells good, believe me!

Dad: "So what you gonna do with it?"

Me: "Eat it anyway! I dont want to waste food!" *eat a piece and winced, it taste like... rice with kim/nori and a carrot*

Dad laughed and walked back to watch TV.

Second try: Better looking, much smaller and at least the roll was not breaking in the middle.

I cut it out in a few pieces and brought it to Dad.

Me: "Would you try it?" *expecting him just to eat a piece*

Dad laughed again and put a piece in his mouth.

Dad: "Oh, it's edible!"

Me: *sad looking* "I guess so... *walked back to the kitchen to clean up.

5 minutes later he came to the kitchen and showed me an empty plate.

Dad: "I finish them all!" *grin* "Not so bad, still chewable for me." *says a man who wears fake teeth*

I couldnt stop grinning. I knew it tasted like crap, but he ate it anyway *cry*

Thanks Dad!! I know I can always count on you even in trying out my crappy food!!

Promise I'll make you a decent looking and still edible Kimbab next time.

Love love love!!! ❤❤❤

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Starting Over

Many people kind of raised their eyebrows in knowing my latest interest in baking and cooking. I couldn't blame them. I guess only people who are really close to me and know me for a long time could understand this new obsession.

I'm okay with question such as "Hey, what starts this obsession?" or "Why, just realize that you're a woman now?" but the question that I dislike the most is "Preparing yourself to get married?". Heck, what's getting married and cooking / baking got to do with each other? I have a friend who can't cook sh*t but her husband is one of the best cook I've ever known! Do they have a problem? No. Does the husband complain? No. So why should people complains on behalf of unable-to-cook-wives of the world? SMH.

And just FYI, my Mom couldn't cook when she married my Father but she learned. Still, my Dad used to make the best fish-balls I've ever tasted! No msg, no flour, just with his bare-hands. Darn, I wish he can still do that, but alas, it needs power to make fish-balls, believe me, I saw him made them when I was little LOL And sometimes he still cooks for himself even now.

People are also surprised when they find out that I like crafting. Nah... not that kind of crafting that I can make money of but I do like working with my hands, thread and needles. I used to make my own Christmas cards for friends, sew my own pouch (by hand, since we never had a sewing machine at home), make my own picture diary with stickers and such. But they're so time consuming that I just can't do it anymore.

Back to cooking and baking. There is a good reason why I never show a lot of interest on it before. My Mom. She's a good baker to be honest and through the years she became a good cook for us. I was always curious and wanted to learn from her, but I never got the chance too. She said I was a nuisance in the kitchen. She said she hated me hovering over her while she was cooking and baking. The simple snacks I could make from flour and cassava, I learned from my maid who was patient enough to buy the ingredients and taught me when my mom wasn't home. And whatever I made, my mom never wanted to taste even once. So I made it, I ate it.

As I grew up, I never had the confidence to put my hands on recipes or even going near the stove except for boiling water or cooking instant noodles. I felt like whatever I made was going to be a disaster compared to my Mom's. Same as my way of dressing. Until the day my Mom died, I could never dress up myself with my own style nor could I walk out of the house without her approving of my clothing. What she bought or thought look nice, I had to wear, no questions asked. Only after she passed away I gradually changed my whole wardrobe and started dressing according to my own style and liking. At the age of 32.

After she died and no one to cook at home, I started buying recipe books, cooking pasta for my friends who were visiting, even looked into the fridge and mixed stuff that's left in it. Sometimes they're bad (but I still finished them anyway LOL), sometimes they're okay (my Dad didn't mind to eat them) and sometimes they're good (that my friends requested me to cook for them again). But I finally learned that "Hey, I can do this! I'm not that bad!" The more I tried, the more I realized that "Yes, cooking is great, especially when people can actually eat what I cook!" I don't have an oven at home, so I haven't started with baking, but I will very soon, once I got enough money to buy a nice oven :)

I'm starting over.

A month ago, I tried my hands on some no-bake-cake recipes. The Nuttela-cheesecake was okay but the Marshmallow-oreo was a disaster LOL But that didn't stop me from trying. Last Saturday I tried to make my very first mini donuts and my Aunt happened to visit while I was frying them. She said it tasted wonderful! Maybe she was trying to make me feel good hahaha but I didn't mind. She ate 5 of them (or maybe more?) and said the most wonderful thing I've always wished I could hear from my mom: "Would you like me to teach you Grandma's pudding recipe?" It's one of my mom's specialty inherited from my Grandma. I never tasted any good chocolate pudding as the one I always ate when my Mom and Grandma were alive. I'm excited.

I'm starting over.

I'm going to take baking course. I'm going to schedule a pudding-making lesson from my Aunt. I'm going to try more recipes. And I'm going to dye my hair Plum again.

I'm starting over. And it's never too late to start over.

I don't feel bitter anymore about my mom's attitude toward my kitchen interest. If she let me learned from her, maybe I won't be this excited again. Maybe I won't have the drive to try something new. Maybe I won't discover new joys in life in such simple actions as learning to make pudding. But mothers, please let your daughters or sons learn from you. It might be a disaster in the kitchen, you might feel annoyed. But believe me, it will be something that your children treasures when they grow up. Teach them with patience, show them what you can do. And one day they can proudly say: "Hey, my Mom taught me this! How cool is that?"

Lastly, I've posted this in Facebook, but again, please ignore the strangely shaped donuts. Apparently it wasn't easy to create a round-and-full donuts with just two spoons even though you've watched the tutorial in youtube a hundred times!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Hunger Over Picture

Isn't it a trend now to take pictures of your food and post them in SNS? Nice food pictures do attract my attention to try out and find out the taste, some pictures are too blurry to even get an idea what kind of food are those, but anyway! Yes, I do that too LOL

I post food pictures when I feel like sharing a bit of my appetite or when the food taste really good or has really nice presentation that even if taste like mud you still want to eat it cause it just look THAT good.

A few times I ate out with friends and no matter how hungry there were, they took another minute or two to take pictures of their food and post them in their SNS accounts. I just CAN'T. When I'm hungry, I'd go straight for it and when I finished I was like: "I thought I was going to take the food's picture?"

Yeah, my hunger overcomes my picture-taking obsession ^^" 

Fail Case # 1 - Kinokawa, SCBD Sudirman

First thought: "Aw, I like the bowl! So cute, let's take its picture before it got dirty!"

Food came... Wiped out everything in less than 15 minutes and then "Darn! I forget the pictures and the food was great but now I can't show anyone!"

Fail Case # 2 - Itacho Sushi, Bugis - Singapore

First thought: "I'm starving, I missed lunch a few hours ago and what do I do while waiting for my order? Ah yes, taking picture of the drinks first..."

Food came... I think I just swallowed the sushi whole at that time, couldn't even think clearly because of starvation. At payment time: "Gaaaaahh! No pictures again!! I can't brag about the sushi!"

There were more fail cases but again, I must have stored the pictures somewhere I can't remember, pardon my aging brain ;)

Anyway, it's not like I take pictures anywhere, regardless... I don't take food pictures at formal dining definitely or while I'm with office people / the bosses. It just seem inappropriate but too bad some people just don't care.

Do you take pictures of your food too??

Monday, March 16, 2015

Finally... When?

Good news first, my brother is getting married in April 18!! Woohoo!! First wedding in the family... and might be the last if I can make a choice LOL Any bad news? Not really... rather than sharing bad news, I want to share a little of what every singles like me dreaded to hear around a wedding.

Every single time I shared the good news, 99% it was replied with: "Oh, finally! Congrats to your brother!" which was no surprise for a couple of reasons (a) They've been dating for 6 years already and (b) There's really "finally" a wedding coming in our family. And then another 99% will be followed with, "And when's yours?" that made me feel like printing an A4 sized paper, laminated, with the words: "No boyfriend, don't even think of asking me when." in bold red, all CAPITAL.

Then strings of theory of "why you're still single" or "don't give up hope" or even "what's wrong with you?" started as I was just staring into nothing and pretended that I was listening and ready to give them another sheet of paper that says: "Being single is also an option and a choice."

I am not going to rant here and tell you all the reasons of why I'm still single, chose to be single and still happy to be one. Email me if you're curious, I might reply LMAO But the point is, I just don't get why being single is a such a disgrace or such a burdensome state. I mean, hellooooooo I kept hearing of married people complaining about their family or even worse about their spouses. Why would you expect to me to get rid of my singleness when you can't even be happy with your marriage? D'UH!

Anyway, yes I'm a bit excited cause we're inviting a lot of people that I haven't seen in a such a long time for the reception so this could be another reunion for long lost families and friends LOL What a grand reunion! I plan to visit some of the elders to hand out the invitations in the next few weeks and hopefully they all can make it on the D-Day :)

What else? Oh yeah, I will have to accompany my Dad on the stage during the reception; still hope to be able to mingle and have fun with the guests though TT___TT I don't like the material and the color of the traditional dress I'll have to wear, but I don't have a choice, gotta match the future in law's dress. At least I get to wear whatever I like for the Holy Matrimony, oh yeah!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Cleaning Up... My Face ^^

Long time ago I wrote about how I finally hooked-up with make-up. And to be honest, I'm even more improved in applying my own make-up compared by then hohoho Lots of youtube tutorial and  practice even when I didn't actually need to go out with make-up, I did LOL And I felt a bit self-conscious going out without eyeliner bwahahaha who would've thought, eh? :p

But as much as I used to think that wearing make-up is a such a hassle, there's another thing that I felt is more bothersome -- cleaning up the make up from my face! I used to do it the old way: milk cleanser (twice) - cleansing foam - toner. When I was too tired after returning home from a party, many times I spilled the cleanser and woke up the next morning with dirty beauty cotton on my shelf. Then I looked into the mirror and saw that there was still leftover mascara or eyeliner. Sooo annoying!

Then I was introduced with Etude House Pore & BB Deep Cleansing Foam (such a long name ^^). It saved a lot of time for me until I realized it didn't erase the eye make-up and mascara well. In the end, I still had to use Etude House Lip & Eye Make-up Remover and Etude House Mascara Remover. Not only I had to do more, I also had to spend more on them as well! Not to mention that my skin became dry and I had to add another gentler foam cleanser after all of that :(

The most irritating part was when traveling, I just had to waste space in my luggage for those stuff! So inconvenient, especially when I wanted to travel light. I tried several make-up remover tissue, but none actually cleaned up really well.

But browsing beauty blogs brought me to this amazing cleanser: The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Light Oil (yes, another super long name)!

I was a bit skeptical when I read some good reviews on it. I wasn't familiar with cleansing oil and to be honest I always thought cleansing oil would be very, well -- oily. But then I went ahead and purchased one, straight from Korea from here for $10.50 / 150 ml bottle. Once it arrived after 2 weeks of waiting, I just couldn't wait to get home and try it out. I didn't regret it. One pump, and it took out all of my eye make-up & bb-cream off! No mascara nor eyeliner residue.

I didn't need to rub my eyelids hard to get rid of the mascara & eyeliner. Just brush on it gently and it'd washed off. The directions on the bottle says no need to use another cleansing foam after this, just wash with warm water and wipe gently with towel. My face didn't feel oily at all, felt smooth instead. I tried using another cleansing foam right after, but apparently it also wiped out the moisturizing effect of the oil.

I was so satisfied with it but then I thought there may be better cleansing oil out there? :) Browsing again... and I decided to try out other brands, and I ordered 2 more.

I used and really liked Skinfood Black Sugar Scrub Foam, so why not try the Black Sugar Cleansing Oil? It cost the same from the same vendor for a 170 ml bottle. I really liked the smell on first pump. Just like the scrub foam, there's sweet smell from the oil, not too strong but it's a bit disturbing while cleaning my face hahaha Result? Just okay for me. Felt a bit dry on my skin, took a bit of effort to wipe the eye make-up, but overall it cleaned well.Oh, this one required another Cleansing Foam after using. Another small effort but still acceptable for me.

And the last that I tried out was Sulwhasoo Gentle Cleansing Oil. It's the most expensive of all 3, cost me $11.50 for a 50 ml bottle.

The reason I chose this product was because Sulwhasoo Concentrated Ginseng Line did wonders to my skin!  Problem was, it's too expensive for me so I only tried out the trial kit. Still, it's still a high scale brand in Korea, so I thought it would do wonder as well in cleaning up my make-up. I was wrong. The smell was nice, not too oily but it didn't erase mascara & eyeliner well :( I had to add more oil and took a long time gently rubbing on my eyelids to completely wipe them off! But at least it also moisturized my face well and it came in a small bottle, I still could use it for traveling. Maybe next time I should try its Deep Cleansing Oil instead. Hm... will have to finish off the other 2 bottles first LOL

So that's my experience with make-up cleaners. I'd still go with The Face Shop Rice Water Bright Cleansing Light Oil  when the bottles run out. But maybe there's still a better one out there? Hahaha