Monday, February 3, 2014

Pregnancy & Expectations

In case you're wondering if I'm pregnant... well, I'm not :) But someone close to me is. And I'd like to share this amazing journey of her pregnancy.

One thing I could also share is that I was never fond of pregnancy. Sure, I love babies, I love children, but only after they were born. I didn't like being close to a pregnant woman. I suddenly felt awkward, like I should at least make a comment but other than: "When is the baby due?" and "I hope you have a healthy pregnancy.", I completely had no idea what to say. 

If you think that's weird, I also couldn't stand being close to them, let alone touch the baby bump! I had a shiver down my spine when someone asked me to touch her baby bump many years ago. But finally... just finally... I fell in love with one special baby bump of my friend, Pitshu :)

I didn't know how and why, but when she told me that she was pregnant in July 6, 2013, I was a little overwhelmed. Something like, "Oh! It happens!" She also told me that I was one of the firsts to know, that made me feel a bit special but that's that. Then she asked me for reference to be her obgyn for this pregnancy. I was like: "Errr, I'm not married and I've never been pregnant, why are you asking me of all people?" LOL Of course I wasn't the only one that she asked for reference, but she trusted me, and that made me feel even more special and more into her pregnancy, especially since she chose the doctor that I recommended based on my other friends' recommendation.

From then on, the journey of expectations started, not just for her and her husband and also for me. I may never accompanied her to any of her visits (her schedules are always on weekdays and in the morning) but everytime she returned from the obgyn she would 'report' to me everything about the baby. From the size, the health, its position and finally its gender. IT'S A BOY! And I was laughing loudly when she announced! She asked me why I was so happy that it's a boy, and I replied to her: "Because then I could take him out to play with just a pair of shorts and T-shirt! I don't know what to do with girls, too much of a hassle!" And another expectations bloomed... I started to look forward for the development of the baby.

Know what's the biggest change in me? I love her baby bump & couldn't stop myself from touching and caressing it everytime we met! ROFL Finally... there's a pregnant woman that I could stand being close to and a baby bump I fell in love with.

I still have no idea how it happened... but I'm happy with this experience that my friend had kindly shared with me and let me be a part of it. Maybe because she tried to involve me into her pregnancy (unintended and unexpectedly) from day 1, or maybe just because we're close, but for whatever reason, she made me happy. And the (soon to be arriving) baby made me happy. Just like my friend and her husband have expectations for the baby, I also had mine. That I will see him growing up healthily, that one day I'll get to take him to play and watch movies, that I'll take him out for ice cream even when his parents say no :)

Pitshu is due in a couple of weeks... I wish her only the best in everything... and that the baby boy will be born safely and healthily. And here's a picture of the three of us last Saturday. BABY BOY, I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO SEE YOU SOON!!!


Pitshu said...

ah pits terharu baca na... pokoknya Baby GD kudu jago bahasa linggis kek torechan ~

yusuke said...
