Monday, February 23, 2009

Referring to this post, I finally had my second USG last Friday. I'm so happy, the result was good. Even though I still experienced pain on my last cycle, the cyst's size is smaller now. On Nov 2008 the size was 3.9cm x 2.4 cm, last Friday was 3.4cm x 2.4cm. I should return to the doc in another 3 months, though... but doc said so far no surgery needed. But I have to be careful in taking the pain killer, doc didn't want to take to much of it, he again reminded me: "Only if you can't stand the pain anymore."

Then from the obgyn went to Takemori with my lovely cousin, si Dul and kind of having a Korean food feast he3x I ate a lot! We watched Family Outing & some DBSK's MV all through dinner. She had fallen hard for Mirotic LOL Bad bad me... And we were laughing so hard on each hillarious scene in FO! Lucky we were in a private room & looks like there's only another 2 people outside, I bet our laughter can be heard all over the small restaurant :D

Anyway, the DBSK party didn't end that night. Yesterday after church me, my bro & some cousins were going for lunch at PIM, then from there si Dul went to my place and we had another DBSK watching session until 7PM!!! Kyaaaaaaaaaa!!

All in all, I really enjoyed my weekend. I had enough laugh, enough rest and another meeting with The Father. Life is good.


Anonymous said...

lol... racunin teruuuuus :))

Trieze said...

I don't mind sih, as long as you're being responsible with keep providing me nosebleed materials WAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA