Ok.. so yesterday I just turned one year older... twin digits and still single hahaha in the end most people wish the same thing for me:
Really, in my 30something life, this is one of the toughest and the most memorable birthday for me. I can really feel the blessing of friends and family, I feel so loved and overjoyed that I can't stop smiling despite my tiredness & lack of sleep. And no matter how long this post is going to be, I want to try to express my feelings of gratitude with words. I want to thank everyone who has made feel so special with their presence. Here's my story in chronological order... hehehe
I went to sleep quite late on Sat night, preparing the plates, etc. Then woke up at 5 on Sunday to lead in the morning service at 7. Around 6.15 I called my dad on his mobile. Every morning since he was away he called at 6:30am. I didn't want to worry him when he called and no one picked up the phone, cause I forgot to tell him that I'd be in morning service. Apparently my dad didn't realized it's the 13th until I reminded him! And he sounded so guilty... He wished me happy birthday and I told him that some friends were coming over for lunch. He sounded relieved he3x.
Suryo was the winner of birthday sms wish this year! I received his at 12:02... Echa came second at 12:03 and Didi came third at 12:05. But my brother's sms really amused me:
"Big sis, I hope you have a happy birthday even without our parents around..." It felt that he really grew up for the past year and since our mom gone. When I got to church around 6:30am I was told that there's already a birthday cake on the fridge, from om Kumis' family. My first birthday cake so early in the morning.

Happy Birthday Gateaux African??? Am I Gateaux African??
*ROFL* The couple is like my parents and their kids also sent me sms.
Thanks a lot Om!! You're like my foster parents for me & my bro... I hope you'll keep watching over us.
After the service I invited K' El & K' Atin for lunch, the whole family gave me a birthday kiss on the cheek, I'm so happy. But her present was a big surprise. The cheese on top of the baked macaroni actually read:
"Happy B'day Kristin"... And she baked it at 5am in the morning... just for me...
K, thanks for always being there with me, in my best & worst moments. When I'm good and when I'm bad. As my mom also entrusted me in your family's care before she's gone, I also pray the best for you in every way.I rushed home to start the cooking... Believe it or not, I made Fettucine Carbonara & Meat Curry at the same time. Fettucine on the left stove, Meat Curry in the right stove. And the maid helped me prepare the ingredients. But the incoming calls & sms really annoyed me for a second cause they kept interrupting my cooking, but I knew that everybody just wanted to wish the best for me, I should be grateful instead. Ira came around 11:30 when things were almost done. Then I took another shower at 12:00AM (I was sweating like crazy, it was so hot in the kitchen). And we watched
Iza Now 2004 Concert while waiting for others to arrive. Around 01:00pm Yannie & Kuma came, hooray!! Look what I got from them!

Sabaku no Gaara!! Yay... another thing too add up to my
Naruto collection
(*_^) Thanks a bunch, buddy!! You always knew how to satisfy my craziness & to keep up with it he3x Really appreciate it. And I love you in all your psycho way!!
LoL Btw, how's my carbonara? Is it a OK?
After that we're waiting and waiting and waiting for Gale... since she's the one who's going to bring the other food & rice... Around 1:30pm we can't hold out hunger anymore and we started with the carbonara! Ha3x When Gale arrived, she brought a lot of food! And lookie, the table was full... And she brought Bebe along her! Hahahaha

And I didn't see what she gave me until late night after I finished tidying up the house... She got me a bunch of present and a card in a very nice paper bag! Now I can cross 2 items from my wish list, yay!!
Gale, thanks for the presents, especially for the card! (^_^) When I read it I was alone and ready for bed, but I can feel your sincerity in it. I know you're hoping for the best for me as I'm hoping for the best for you too. Yeah, I'm also expecting more birthdays to celebrate together in the future ;) Oh, since I'm older, please pray that I get married before you do! Hahahahahahahaha *bad joke*
Then people from church started coming... Alex, Suryo, Borah, Didi, Patrick, Sarah, Agus... Later on there's Ezra, K' Atin, K' El, Riri... Gendro came in the evening. And we had a
"DURIAN PARTY" He3x When Ratno - the fruitseller in front of my house - heard that it's my birthday, I got these Durians as my birthday present! Hahahaha
Marci also came in the evening, then Echa & Bank Ucok... The house was full! And all the while I
"forced" them to watch
Arashi concerts & TV shows!
LoL My dad called again around 6pm, he's so glad that I had my friends over. And just when I thought that it's almost over, Dini arrived with another cake!

This time no one can touch it anymore... but they managed to wiped clean the Durians & ice creams... We continued to watched DVDs, some were joking, the other were going online & check out their friendster accounts, and it was already 8:30 when they left the house. Ira stayed over to clean up a little with me and transfer some data. By that time I already had a bad headache...
When I opened the gate to drive Ira home, Zainal & Wulan (the fruitsellers' brother & his wife) came over and also gave me a present! I can't sayd anything more but thank you. They're like family to me and I know that they really care about our family. Not to mention that they gave me something that I almost buy a couple of weeks ago, a pair of black Adidas sandal! Yatta!! So I got 2 pair of sandals for my birthday, the other one was from Ira's Mom hehehehe
For those who has brought cakes & presents, thank you so much. As for the others, your SMS, calls & presence are also a beautiful gift in my view. I couldn't ask for anything more. My boss & wife sent sms, little boss called from Hong Kong. It's complete!
Popon: Wish you were here with us! Next time you're coming I'll cook especially for you! Promise... Richie Sambora really misses Bon Jovi... a lot!!!
*ROFL*Valen: Man, after all these years since you're back to San Fransisco, I never thought you still remember my birthday! And thanks for the beautiful message, I wish the best for you and your wife.
Maya: Istri tua gak boleh lupa ultahnya Istri muda! Ntar suami bete loh...
*ngakak* Berbagi suami... arigatou!
Ira: Thanks for spending a lot of time for me lately... Appreciate it. I'll come over to see your parents when I'm back to normal hehehe
Marci: WAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA satu2nya wakil dari Plaza B*****O!! Thanks for coming, Cong! I love you! WAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA
After I read and re-read an re-read this entry... I think it sounds strange! Bwahahahahahahahaha