Monday, September 1, 2008

Backpacking to work!

I finally decided to buy a new backpack. And it's not for picnic, but for work. Which means that all my handbags have to return to the shelf. Otherwise, I'll have to bring 2-3 bags to work everyday and it's such a trouble.

These are the things that I carry around everyday everywhere:

- Laptop (14", bring to office on Monday, back home on Friday) + cables + ext. HD
- A large & mini notebooks
- 3G connection box
- Some blank CDs
- A medium size pocket which contain: medicines, sewing kit, lipstick
- A small size pocket that contains a bunch of keys (office keys, filing cabinet keys, storage room keys)
- Another small pocket contains of memory card extender & several flash disks.
- Cards wallet (for name cards, hospital cards & discount cards :p)
- Tissue
- Comb (hardly used)
- Fisherman's friend -- Aniseed flavor
- Other small stuff

My old backpack is already worn out, so I have to get a new one. And here's what I finally decided to buy:
I love it! It can fit everything in it... even more... Though my friends said that I looked like I'm going parachuting (^o^) Ha!!

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