Not the first curry (or "kare" as the Japanese pronounce it) that I ate but the first kare that I cooked v(^__^)v I've bought the curry blocks sometime ago, but didn't really get the chance to try it. Then yesterday after church I went groceries shopping with dad & thought of finally cook it. When I got home I tried to find the recipe... I knew it's somewhere in Hanalala back issues, but the stupid me didn't even remember which issue hehehe
After trying in vain to find it in the last 10 issues I finally gave up and return to google hahahaha 1st recipe that I found somehow seemed a bit complicated, but the 2nd recipe was much more simple so I tried that one. Sent a text message to Pon-chan & Channel to wish me luck... And voila!! Not exactly the La Huma taste but it will do... Ureshii...

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