Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Home Alone

My dad just left this morning to Balikpapan, he'll be there for PON (National Sports Competition). I'll be home alone for a week. And for my birthday. *sigh* I don't feel like celebrating my birthday anyway, I'll be serving in morning service in church on that day (7-9am), and definitely I wanna spend some time by myself. Or maybe I'll have lunch with a couple of friends. Maybe...

However, I was a bit sentimental last night. I met an old friend and that was the first time in my life that I just cried over meeting someone. I hugged her hard, she understood. And I'm thankful for that.


Trieze said...

carbo.. nara.. carbo.. nara.. carbo.. nara :P (gua uda kae kisarazu blom??)

Trieze said...

Yannie!! Coba yah, ninggalin komen dari account g sendiri!! wakakakkaa

channel said...

eeeeeeeh?? masa yah?? pantaas pas gua post, kok aneh yah.. ga minta user name segala :))