Ever since I hit the twin digit a few month ago, looks like I get the big question at least once a week: "When will you get married?" Or some people were trying to say it in a better way: "Where's your boyfriend? Any plan for a wedding soon?" And it hit me worse then the previous question cause they know very well that I'm still single!
I'm not the type who would fuss over this kind of situation... I like being single and I enjoy my life, but that doesn't mean that I don't think about having my own family. I do. So what if I haven't found the right one? I don't want to be like some women who grabbed anybody that they think "OK" enough for them, got married, and regreted it the year after. Some says I'm being picky. I can't deny it. If I'm not picky, then I'd have gotten married long time ago. But then again, was he the right person for me? And it's not like I set an unbelievable standard! Believe me, some friends even said that it's too moderate. But there are certain value that I don't want to compromise.
One thing for sure that has changed in my standard is age. I used to expect to date older man. From the two "real" relationships that I've been through, only 1 was older (not the mention left the most bitter memory). The younger one didn't work out for many reasons (just a year younger), but mostly because I didn't want to continue the relationship despite his effort to got back together after a few years being apart. I have my reasons.
Then there were some opportunities... 1 almost got serious (meaning: going steady) -- a 5 year younger guy-- until I heard him say: "We can just date, right? No strings attached? I mean, I'm still young, I haven't thought about marriage or anything." That one really put it off. I wouldn't ask him to marry me in the next 5 years but surely there's a purpose in building the relationship?
Another older guy... I really put a high hope on this one. Then he dropped the bomb: "You're too independent & too mature for me. You can do everything by yourself. I need someone who needs me." I was like "Hellooooo?? I thought I heard too many time of guys complaining that their girlfriends are too clingy & dependent on them? That they just can't do anything without the boyfriends help. Who can't go to places by themselves." And yet, I'm too mature for them? I didn't get it.
I had a conversation with
a good friend of mine. We happen to be the same age. And yet we face the same reality in relationships. And we wonder:
"What kind of women do men actually prefered?" We still haven't got the answer. And we begin to feel that we don't care. When the time comes, when the right person appears, then it don't matter anymore. But for the time being, we're proud of being independent. We're proud of being who we are. And we don't want to get bothered again with what people say. Being single is fun. I'd rather be a happy single than a miserable married woman.
And being single means... I can still watch Satoshi as much as I want, like I can daydream about him every now and then (*_^)v LoL